Saturday, August 26, 2006


In my third year at Trent University, I met a 'very tall' (and by that I mean somewhat short) girl named Jane. She introduced herself to me by inviting herself over for dinner. We had a TV, you see and that's why she wanted to make friends... for access. At least that is her version of the story. I like to think that she was drawn to the attractive man who lived with the TV. Well, that is, one of the three attractive men who shared the apartment that contained the TV. Well, ok, my version is that somehow she was drawn to the least attractive man who lived in the apartment with the TV. Yep, I think thats the more likely!
In any case, this meeting was extremely fortunate for me in every respect but one: Jane is also the name of my mother. So that was an obstacle that needed overcoming... But overcome it we did and after a three year whirlwind romance, we were married. So that you can all see just how much I am punching above my weight, here's a picture:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He shoots, he scores...!


11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He shoots, he scores...!


11:52 AM  
Blogger Shawn Penson said...

Ah memories of Trent, I spent many great years with that TV. Big wood cabinate, greate location. It pulled in a lot af cute girls if I remember my ER nights right.

Oh and Jane is nice too =:>

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just to assure you that by solving the problem of mother's being named Jane they did not do me in. In fact I'm here at their place in England writing this on Derek's computer.

2:25 PM  

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