Monday, August 28, 2006

Derek's Best Video Games of All Time

This tale of woe begins with some firends of mine heading home from the UK and needing to get rid of some stuff. With 'great reluctance' (and by that I mean exhuberance), Jane and I accepted a number of food items (all of it better than the stuff we usually get), some electronics and... wait for it... an N64, complete with games, controllers etc. I was inconsolable. Practically morose.
This got me nostalgic (which, as many of you know is very easy to do) for the great games of my youth. And with nostalgia comes the irripressible urge to make lists. Here is a countdown of the greatest video games ever according to me. Anyone is more than welcome to disagree with me. No doubt the prevalence of role playing games will be seen by some as being somewhat unfair.

12) Super mario bros.: I think I saw this game for the first time when I was about 7. Some kid named Brad had a Nintendo about a year before it's popularity exploded. I didn't like Brad much, but I liked his Nintendo, so we hung out alot.

11) FF1: Obviously almost any fan of RPGs (role playing games) is going to like the final fantasy series. FF1 was a contemporary of phantasy star and, to be honest, it wasn't as good, epecially in the graphics department. But it was still a very good RPG and the best one on the Nintendo. I borrowed this game from a friend and played it through in a couple of weeks.

10) Master of Orion II: The original master of orion was good too, but MOO II really was probably the last and greatest turn-based strategy game (yes, some CIVs came out after, but they don't make the grade in my opinion). I got this one just before I headed off to university. An excellent time waster in first year.

9) Dragon Warrior: By the time we (my sister and I) had managed to nag my parents into getting us a Nintendo (to this day, I have no idea how we managed it) it was 1989 and the thing was already starting it's decline. But my friend Daniel had one... and he had Dragon Warrior, the first role playing game I ever experienced. I loved this game so much that I memorized it as I played it. I spent hours on the phone with Daniel telling him - exactly (two squares up and one to the left) - where to go next.

8) Master of Magic: This computer game was a contemporary of the Sci-fi Micropose game Master of Orion. It was such an efficient time waster (you could get lost in this thing for hours) that the people wanted more. Unfortunately for all of us, Micropose was sold to Hasbro just after the release of thier final masterpiece (Mater of Orion II) and all was lost.

7) Pax Emperia II: This is probably the most underappreciated game on my list. It was particularly popular in my second year of university where Paul, Shawn and I would take on a couple of 'hard' computers in a 12 hour marathon. The game is cleverly set up like a turn-based game, but actually runs in real time. The only downside was the somewhat weak AI.

6) FF2 (american): This is possibly the biggest steps forward in role-playing games. It marked the switch in the FF series to a very story driven style, and boy was it a good story. Noble sacrifice, scary dancing dolls and sudden (fortuitous) reapearances of key characters. Brilliant stuff.

5) Warcrafts/Starcraft: Lest anyone think this is a 'role playing only' list, I also include this set of RTS (real time strategy) games. I'm putting them all together because, although each one improves on the last, it's still fundamentally the same game. Anyhow, Blizzard is a company that only akes good games. Everything they release is completely polished, well tested and fun. This is to be contrasted with EA who will release a game, ready or not, when they think it'll make them the most money.

4) Halo: I was pointed out to me by a kindly commentator that this game is missing from my list. He is absolutely right. Halo is the best shooter I have ever played. My first experience with this one was a five hour stint with Doug while Jane worked away happily (because she had just eaten Doug's chicken stir fry) on our wedding list. It was during this experience that I had the best in-game conversation of all time:
(I am in the 'gun position' on the warthog (truck), facing backwards. Doug is driving the thing facing forwards)
Doug: Is there anything coming towards us?
(there is a big &*$%!ing missle coming towards us)
Me: Yes
(a milisecond later)
(the warthog blows up, we flip over several times and fall off a ledge)
Me: A missle

3) Phantasy Star: When I was younger, I actually liked the slogfest that is 'leveling'. To be honest, I still like it more than the average player. Phantasy star was the first 'Japanese style' (story driven) role playin game that I had ever played. And it was years ahead of it's time. Great sega master system graphics, an epic story spanning three planets and tricky dungeons.

2) FF7: The final fantasy series took another great leap with this PSone game. The graphics utilized a very well implimented 3D on 2D style that would almost hold up today. When I first saw it, I was flabbergasted. Anyhow, FF7 featured the best story since FF2 and characters that people could get attached to. Plus an important one actually dies, close to the end, which, trust me, really pisses you off. I know this because my friend Paul and I played this for almost 48hrs straight. Good times.


1) WoW: World of Warcraft is the greatest MMORG (massively multiplayer online role playing game) and, for me, the greatest game ever. Like many people, I played this game until I wanted my life back. Then I quit cold turkey. Which was hard. Some people really get addicted to this thing and I can see why. It is fun and it doesn't stop being fun - ever -.


Blogger BR said...

Funny how you left out those ASCII-blob-moving Texas Instrument 99 games that we used to play and program in BASIC.

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That list is rubbish! Rubbish I say! Where are the Zelda games? X-Wing/Tie Fighter games? Half-Life? And Halo?! Our first taste of that game had us up for 24 hours straight, and even after we'd completed it we still kept knocking off work for more "legendary" goodness!

I can forgive for the omission of NHL94 since you have the hockey awareness of a chick pea, but overall, sir, I am outraged. I have half a mind to demand return of my N64!

10:22 AM  
Blogger Derek said...

The moderator would like to thank the commentator for his helpful suggestions. The lack of Halo is clearly an ommission which will be remedied.

The moderator agrees that Zelda and X-Wing are excellent games. It is suggested that the commentator get his own blog, write his own list and then go !@#$% himself.

The moderator again thanks the commentator for his helpful suggestions and indicates that, if the he should like his N64 back, he is most welcome to swim over and get it.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Shawn Penson said...

Hmm well i have to agree with many of your choices. FF4 is in fact better than the american version renamed FF2 but if you never had a chance to play it there is no way you could know It is better than all other FF games ever created.....Ever.... yes that means better than FF7.

As for Halo well ummmm you have never played any really good FPS's have you. That's the only assumption I can make as to how it appears on a list of greatest video games ever. FPS + Console = bad idea. What's next Starcraft for the PS2, you would get Pwned in a matter of seconds on Bnet.

But as you said in your previous comment
"It is suggested that the commentator get his own blog, write his own list and then go !@#$% himself."

I beleive your first peice of advice is sound and as I already have a blog it should be easy to impliment.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

I'm going to guess that Duke nukem is going to appear on Shawn's list...

2:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't something called "final fantasy" by definition only have one version? Personally, once I finalize a fantasy - that's it! No drab reruns. :-)

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww..c'mon Shawn. Don't be PC gamer snob. I've played more than my fair share of FPSs, but Halo still stands up with the best. What really distinguishes it, and what makes it a favourite of mine is the split-screen cooperative play. You just don't get that same sense of fun playing with somebody over the network. Backing over Derek in the Warthog remains one of my favourite hobbies! :).

3:34 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

It's true. Doug does show amazing driving skill when I am in the warthog. But somehow when I am on the ground, he finds it difficult to not crush me to death. Strange that.

1:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can comment on both Nintendo - version 1 - and PS2. Super Mario Bros. was definitely "it" in terms of video games. We got our console when I won a draw at k-mart for 100.00 and that's what I bought. Zelda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Maniac Mansion were all faves too. It is still at my parents' house and we hooked it up for Miranda because there is a Sesame Street game.

However, I don't think it was until the PS2 where I would actually not get dressed for a few days because I was playing solid. When I did go to bed I could still hear and see video games... Rob and I played NHL 2001 (which has not been improved upon) and Unreal Tournament for almost the whole Christmas break when PS2 was brand new. Personally, I like Street Fighter but it's hard to get anyone to play with me. Rob and I team up to play RPGs like the Resident Evils and the Silent Hills and the Onimushas and the Ratchet and Clanks - he works the controls and I give the commands. (One unfortunate side effect is that the zombies and other creepy creatures give me nightmares. I have an RPG called Fatal Frame that I got for my 27th birthday that I still haven't played yet 'cause I'm scared to play by myself.) Mind you, we haven't been able to do that for over a year. It got a lot harder to be his sidekick once Miranda was mobile. Maybe I'm leaving such a long entry because I am nostalgic of my video game days...

That's all for now!

6:43 AM  
Blogger Shawn Penson said...

Oh im not a PC gamer snob, I have and still play many console games, there are just certain tyeps of games that run better on consoles and some that run better on PC. As FPS's go I have played many on consoles and I find they are annoying to play, I just don't have the controll over my cahracter I want.

As for Halo i jsut didn't find anything special about it. For an FPS it's ok but it didn't really stand out in my mind as anything special. I could get the same from any of the Battlefeild games or Unreal Tournament.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Shawn Penson said...

The Final Word

10:22 PM  

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