Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm Famous!

Well, ok, not really. But they did publish one of my comments on CBC. It may be a thousand clicks from the main page, but it's there! I guess my tireless nagging finally paid off!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it even possible/feasible to have private space enterprises? Financially and legally?

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. 5 whole updates before you became bored with the blog thing. Well done :).

1:00 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

Mira: Yep, it's possible. All you need is alot of money and a huge @#$%ing ego. That would be Burt Rutan (CEO of 'scaled composites'), Richard Branson (owns 'Virgin' company) and way, way too many other people (well, men, really)

McGuillicuddy: I know it must have been hard for you, being my most adoring fan, but it's a little hard to find an internet connection in the wilds of western Ireland. Rest assured there will be an uninterupted stream of useless crap eminating from this blog for the next few months :)

8:27 AM  

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