Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I'm Baaaaack!

Well, after 13hrs of travel for a 6 hour flight, I'm back and resting comfortably in Northampton. I'd love to tell you all about my Christmas adventures with pictures etc. but frankly, I am just too damn tired. I have now been up for 30 hrs straight (well, my fear for my life did wane sufficiently at one point during the flight for me to lapse into what I think was partial unconsciousness). In any case, I'm safely landed back in the UK and will regail you with tales of Christmas cheer and woe when my head is less fuzy and when fewer munchkins are dancing on my computer keys.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're back OK. It was good to see you and stuff you with traditional Christmas lunch. I'm looking forward to your report. And I'll look forward to seeing Jane later this week.

10:56 AM  

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