Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bif's Birth!

My pardon, noble readers for the extended delay between this and the last post. I beg your pardon, partly because I wished to leave the last post up for as long as possible but also because I had absolutely nothing interesting to write about. Oh I could have blathered on about any number of things, I assure you, but I spare you this by blathering to myself on my exceptionally long commute. In any case, something exciting happened a few days ago (the 19th) that was easily of sufficient magnitude to get me blogging: Biff was Born!

For those of you scratching your heads, Bif is the fetal name of my new nephew, Benjamin! He weighed in at a little under 8.5 pounds, had a full head of hair and all fingers and toes. My brave sister was forced to deliver without the usual calming sea of Novocaine and opiates due to an exceptionally quick labor which lasted a grand total of 3.5hrs! Ben was in a bit of a hurry! In fact, things were so hectic that one might almost forgive K for getting his new son's name wrong! That's right. Jane and I found out about the birth as we were going to bed and uncovered a message each on our cellphones. We were ecstatic to hear from K that little Sebastian had been born and quickly phoned the H & K residence to offer our warmest congratulations at the birth of Sebastian. The next day there was an email from my mom - 'Re: Benjamin not Sebastian'. The theory is that Karl's (understandably) addled brain was already making plans for his little boy based on his middle name: Johan. Yes... those musical types among you have probably already made the connection - Johan Sebastian Bach.

In any case, we have high hopes for Ben too, him being the product of two such extraordinary people. I have little doubt that my sister H and husband K will make really excellent parents. That kid will grow up in an environment enriched with learning and music! Here's to H, K and Ben! Here's a couple pictures:


Blogger Themis said...

Congratulations to baby, parents and uncle!

10:31 PM  
Blogger Themis said...

Congratulatoins to baby, parents and uncle Derek!

10:31 PM  

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